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I Still Tend To Be a Bit Religious! How is That?

Well here is a quick simple answer: comfort

Well that answers that question. This blog post is officially done. This has got to be a record for the shortest blog post ever written. Well, atleast by me anyway.

Just kidding.

So, several weeks ago, after the little one goes back to sleep after once again waking up on my me time, I come into my prayer space to spend some time with God. I start with a psalm or praise and worship which usually gets me focused on God before we get into real relational conversation or just a lot me talking and not listening. However that goes. This year, I’ve been finding an evolving of the nature of my relationship with God that has been quite hard for me to wrap my head around for some reason.

In the midst of my routine sessions with God, I find that I’m switched over to an idea and God begins to pour into me some of the things I can do with a couple of endeavors I have set my eyes on for the year. When it first began to happen, I rolled with it until it was consistently happening.

I then began to question: Am I being distracted? Am I thinking so much about these things that its interrupting my prayer life? But wait, I’m not thinking about them (what I say to myself as I’m questioning myself that is). I do know that this can happen, that we can be so caught up in having to do xyz and taking care of abc that we can’t even focus on God.

But so caught up in the religiousness of “proper prayer,” I didn’t stop to think it was okay.

Sometimes I find myself in conversation and thinking about what I have to do for the day. So I quickly write it down and regain focus. It wasn’t one of those things.

These interruptions I talk about have been taking up the nature by which I relate to my King and its okay!

Since I am choosing to focus on relationship, to focus on being thankful and acknowledging him for what he has done and what he continues to do, I truly believe that I am now able to see more clearly that he too is focusing on relationship. “you care about this area so much, so lets talk about it even though you are not bringing it up.”

God knows our needs already. I’ve never questioned that. But, to experience a relationship where I don’t have to bring it up for him to desire to interrupt me to talk about what concerns me, what takes up some of my thoughts even if its not in that moment, is indescribable (excuse my run on sentence, but its so fitting here).

So, I leave you with this last thing only because it is a confirmation of God’s love which in essence takes us out of the religious mindset and causes us to experience relationship if we allow ourselves to be aware:

Do you know the saying that women marry and/or date men like their fathers? While that may be true for the father who joined to your mother to create you, its also true for God. I didn’t grow up with my father, so I can’t speak to personality resemblance, but I spent a lot of years getting to know my heavenly father and I’m wowed by the reality of such a casual statement.

So I turn this talk about religiousness possibly being a somewhat still existent state of mind into some food for thought for the single ladies anxiously waiting for marriage or “just a man to start:” spend increasing amounts of time getting to know your heavenly father so that when a “potential” comes your way, you can recognize whether the characteristics of the living God you have come to know so well is outright prevalent in him. How does he make you feel? Is it reminiscent of your chit chats with God/your God experiences?

Wife to an amazing husband, mother to an exploring toddler and an MPA graduate aspiring to impact the world with encouragement in mothering and in social entrepreneurship.

Hey there friend!

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