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What You Need To Know About Friendships

This is such a sensitive topic for me for many reasons. As an adult understanding friendships and nurturing the ones that add value to your life have become increasingly important. So I wanted to start a conversation about defining the relationships in your life and the purpose they serve.
I recently had a wonderfully profound conversation with an amazing writer and new friend about the subject of friendship. It inspired me to have her write a guest post today.
Nadia Atkinson is a writer with 3 self-published books who encourages and inspires women everywhere to embrace who God created them to be — You Nique (www.beyoutimes2.com)
On that note, enjoy!
written by: Nadia Atkinson

Friendships have layers like onions. The more you peel, the more ones true feelings are exposed then tears start to fall down. That is friendship.

Friendships can be as tight as glue yet as distant as ever. At what level is your friendship/s?



This level of friendship is associated with people you may have known for sometime but know very little about you. There are no pet names involved, there are no super secret details involved, the relationship is simple, to the point, and you’re not even sure if grandma would like them.



Your coworker that you see everyday by the coffee machine at 8:40 am Monday through Friday. You have her phone number because you’ve been working together for the past three years but you don’t know her son’s name. That’s an acquaintance.



What makes a friend a friend? First off, it’s a mutual silent agreement that one shares that says okay she/he has passed my basic level of trust and you know would have your back through thick and thin. Second, this person wouldn’t deceive you, wouldn’t talk bad about you, would in fact put their life on the line to protect you when necessary and vice versa. You enjoy this persons company and you look forward to seeing one another when apart.

Patience, love, loyalty, excellent listening skills, and a PhD in life are required when choosing to be a friend.



You’ve seen this woman for the past two years in church and kept it at hello but one day you invited her to lunch. From that day on you’ve been inseparable. It’s been an adjustment for others to get used to your new friend because she’s in every story you tell and you can’t imagine not sharing what you had for lunch with her.

She shares similar interests with you and she is your cheerleader for any and everything. You constantly wonder where this person has been your entire life! You have common goals and common interest. You want to see them do well in everything. You’ll be front and center when they want to join the circus. After all, that’s what friends do.

Best Friend (your bestie, your BFF, your A1-Day1, your ride or die, your long-lost sister or brother): 

Your bestie is easily someone who you’ve known forever and ever. She may know you more than you know you. A simple hello on the telephone and she knows when something is wrong. She knows when to say something and how to say something.

She’s the only one who can put you in your place but you wouldn’t be mad because it comes from an honest place. If I didn’t speak to my best friend daily I may even call her inquiring as to why her life is too busy for her friends. We will laugh about it because that’s so far from the truth, but you can do that with your best friend.

Your best friend is an extension of you. Your family expects her to be with you at every family outing and for you to be the life of the party. Your bond is tighter than tight. Life wouldn’t be the same without your bestie, who would you trust with your life besides your parents? Her.

Your best friend is the one person who has seen you at your lowest low, who had shed a tear with you during that breakup, who will stay late at any party to help clean up, who won’t think twice about paying anything because she knows you’d do the same for her. She is the other half of you. Without her life would be boring. You love her and she loves you.


 None needed. You already knew who your bestie was by reading that passage.

A sample text to your friend about a meal you had for dinner with coworkers: 

To acquaintance:

You: I went to dinner with the coworkers last night and had this amazing meal – it changed my life forever!!!!!

Acquaintance: forever? That’s kind of dramatic don’t you think?

You: 😏

To friend:


You:  I went to dinner with the coworkers last night and had this amazing meal – it changed my life forever.

Friend: sooooooo you’re treating me for dinner there tonight?! Awesome!! Lol 😁

You: omg yesssssss what time we going?

To bestie:

You:  I was dragged to dinner w these peeps from work and although I was completely annoyed sitting there my food was to dieeeee for! Like the best meal I’ve ever had in life! 🙌😛🙆

Bestie: Hahahaha was Chris there? He’s so annoying!!! But why didn’t you take a picture so I could see how amazing it looked? Slacker!

Bestie: you holding out – not cool.

You: I’m there with the work peeps and Chris 😑 can’t take pics of food.

You: you went off topic – you were supposed to ask when we are going. Lol.

Bestie: I knew he was there lol! Oh yes let’s try to go tonight after work! Happy hour?!

You: 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


Although friendship is something one needs to survive this chaotic world we live in today, it’s not to say that one will always last. People outgrow one another like we outgrow clothing…overtime. Some are meant to be around forever, some are meant to be around for a season.

Regardless of the amount of time this person shares with you, just know God gave you everything you needed in life during that time to prepare you for such a time as this. You always have every piece of the puzzle at any given time. It’s up to you to find where the pieces belong.

Don’t worry about that friendship not being around, just know that person added value to your life when you needed it most.

Your friendships can be like a mustard seed…  starting out small and blossoming into something larger than expected. 

Wife to an amazing husband, mother to an exploring toddler and an MPA graduate aspiring to impact the world with encouragement in mothering and in social entrepreneurship.


Hey there friend!

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